The CEDAR AREA INTERFAITH ALLIANCE is sponsoring a food tasting and cookbook sale event, The Joy of Tasting, this coming Saturday, May 22, 1-3:00 pm, at the historic Rock Church in Cedar City (75 E. Center Street). There is an admission charge of $2.00 and guests will be given tickets for eight different tables of food. There will also be tours of the historic church.
This will be the main event to sell our cookbook, The Joy of Sharing, that has 599 recipes from members of several local faiths. The price is $15 with $7 going to help fund the new Iron County Care and Share Homeless Shelter in Cedar City.
Please join us for this wonderful event. The cookbook is also available at the Iron County Visitor’s Center (581 N. Main Street) and the Catholic Thrift Shoppe (86 E. Center Street).
Mrs. Pat Brajnikoff
Mrs. Marguerite Smith