Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What exactly does the ICCS do?

Please click the image below to enlarge:

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Bed & Breakfast Benefit

Eight  (8) of the local Bed & Breakfast establishments are teaming up with United Way for a community benefit, this Saturday, June 6th, from 2 PM to 6 PM.


They are offering a tour of each of these B&Bs.  What a great way to get to know what is available and where you can suggest family and friends stay when they come to Cedar City!


For the price of one (1) ticket,  you get to tour all 8 B&Bs!


Ticket price = $5 each – or if you bring a donation of non-perishable food, the price is $3 each.  All proceeds will go to the United Way to be distributed to participating United Way agencies that all work hard to make this community a great place to live.


You can purchase the tickets in advance, or just purchase them at the door.   You will also be given a map to all 8 locations.


For further information, or just a starting place for your tour on Saturday,  please call Susan Wooten at:


The Iron Gate Inn            (right next door to the Episcopal Church)

100 North 200 West

Cedar City, UT   

 (435) 867-0603


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stamp Out Hunger

The mail carrier Stamp Out Hunger food drive total for 2009 was 6,319 pounds. Thanks Cedar City and the mail carriers!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

ICCS to Build New Shelter

The largest growing segment of homelessness in Utah is families. Currently, homeless families in Cedar City are turned away because the current shelter cannot accomodate them. Plans are under way for a new homeless shelter to be built next to the new food bank on 900 North. The anticipated cost is $500,000. The ICCS has secured a $174,000 grant and will have to rely on donations to make up the remaining $326,000. The Interfaith Alliance is planning a fundraising dinner and concert to be held Thursday, May 14th at the Heritage Center. The public is encouraged to attend.